My courses

Achtsames Wohlbefinden
1:1 Coaching
"Glow with your flow"

What my clients say

Ann-Kathrin K. Practice Manager

With you I arrive and feel immediately comfortable and have a good feeling. The Reikis with you are incredibly good! I could relax from the beginning, shut down and above all switch off - let myself fall. In our coaching, you help me through your sensitive, thoughtful way to find the solution to my problems and accompany me. I am curious where my path will lead me further. Thank you so much for what you have achieved!

Katarina T. Strategic Partner & Engagement Manager

After we already had several Reiki together, I wanted to thank you. In our sessions I always feel in very good hands and can fully let go. Through you I have really found the access to spirituality and can now get involved 100%. After a short time I have already noticed how you can help me through your energy work to connect more with myself and to become more aware of who I am and what I (and my body) need. Through Reiki's and also through coaching I feel more comfortable in my own skin again and I am incredibly grateful to you for that! I would not want to miss working with you anymore!

Manuela O. Banker

During your Reiki session I was able to completely relax and let go. I was very surprised that I could actually feel the energy. It was a very pleasant feeling. You made me feel totally at ease. What excited me the most was how much you figured out without knowing my personal context. That was overwhelming for me. After the Reiki I felt completely balanced again and full of new energy. I can only recommend!

Louisa S. Marketing

Dear Sandra, during our session I fell into a deep relaxation that was so intense that I would have loved to stay in that state. I felt so free, carefree and light as a feather, as if I were floating on a cloud. I have been feeling totally unhappy inside for the last few weeks ... !But with the energy boost from your Reiki sessions, my feeling of happiness is back. I was finally able to let go of stuck ways of thinking. After the sessions I feel completely connected to my body again. My consciousness is fully aligned with being. I don't want to miss your positive energy anymore!

Leonie M. Educator

Hello dear Sandra, thank you very much for our coaching sessions together. Before I came to you, I was struggling with panic attacks, heart palpitations and inner turmoil. The symptoms always came out of nowhere and no one could help me until now. After our very first conversation, I burst into tears afterwards. It was incredible how you guided me to the cause. It triggered such beautiful feelings in me! I felt liberated afterwards. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Sandra Hohn
Reiki & Coaching


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