About me

Hello wonderful soul, glad you are here!

I am Sandra Hohn - spiritual personal coach.

Mein Alltag wurde Jahrelang von Magen-Darmbeschwerden bestimmt. Ich habe auf vieles verzichtet, in der Hoffnung endlich die Ursache gefunden zu haben. Die Schmerzen kamen jedoch immer wieder zurück, wofür es keine körperliche Ursache gab. Mit der Zeit durfte ich lernen, meinen Körper richtig wahrzunehmen und zu verstehen. In der Stille durfte ich die Antwort darauf finden, wieso ich immer wieder mit diesen Schmerzen konfrontiert werde. Das Schöne dabei ist, dass ich meinem Körper endlich zuhören und seinen Bedürfnissen folgen kann. Mein Körper konnte sich nun mit meiner Seele verbinden – im Hier und Jetzt.

Meine Mission ist es, Herzensmenschen auf ihrem Seelenweg zu begleiten. Mit Bewusstsein und Energiearbeit kreieren wir deine Reise zu achtsamen Wohlbefinden. Es ist nun an der Zeit, deine Seele leuchten zu lassen.

Live from your heart - your inner center 

1:1 Coaching 4 weeks

When we don't listen to our heart for a long time, it says to the body, "You go ahead now. You don't listen to me." Then our body talks about symptoms, pains and diseases. They are messages from your heart or soul. - Robert Betz


Conflict between your inner and outer worlds can cause inner turmoil and stress. This causes your body to send you signals and demand your full attention.


With modern energy work you can open the gate to your soul path and get to the bottom of the cause. I have walked the path alone for years and know how you currently feel. I would like to support you to start your path earlier.


Feel free to contact me for a get-to-know conversation ♥

My everyday decelerator

Enjoy coffee and tea


Exercise in the fresh air



Note thoughts

Wave Sound


What my clients say

Ann-Kathrin K. Practice Manager

With you I arrive and feel immediately comfortable and have a good feeling. The Reikis with you are incredibly good! I could relax from the beginning, shut down and above all switch off - let myself fall. In our coaching, you help me through your sensitive, thoughtful way to find the solution to my problems and accompany me. I am curious where my path will lead me further. Thank you so much for what you have achieved!

Katarina T. Strategic Partner & Engagement Manager

After we already had several Reiki together, I wanted to thank you. In our sessions I always feel in very good hands and can fully let go. Through you I have really found the access to spirituality and can now get involved 100%. After a short time I have already noticed how you can help me through your energy work to connect more with myself and to become more aware of who I am and what I (and my body) need. Through Reiki's and also through coaching I feel more comfortable in my own skin again and I am incredibly grateful to you for that! I would not want to miss working with you anymore!

Manuela O. Banker

During your Reiki session I was able to completely relax and let go. I was very surprised that I could actually feel the energy. It was a very pleasant feeling. You made me feel totally at ease. What excited me the most was how much you figured out without knowing my personal context. That was overwhelming for me. After the Reiki I felt completely balanced again and full of new energy. I can only recommend!

Louisa S. Marketing

Liebe Sandra, während unserer Session bin ich in eine Entspannung gefallen, die so intensiv war, dass ich am Liebsten noch in dem Zustand geblieben wäre. Ich fühlte mich so frei, unbeschwert und leicht wie eine Feder, als ob ich auf einer Wolke schweben würde. Ich habe mich die letzten Wochen innerlich total unzufrieden gefühlt … Aber durch den Energieschwung aus deinen Reiki Sessions ist mein Glücksgefühl wieder da. Ich konnte festgefahrene Denkweisen endlich loslassen. Nach den Sessions fühle ich mich wieder komplett mit meinem Körper verbunden. Mein Bewusstsein ist voll auf das Sein ausgerichtet. Ich möchte deine positive Energie nicht mehr missen!

Leonie M. Educator

Hello dear Sandra, thank you very much for our coaching sessions together. Before I came to you, I was struggling with panic attacks, heart palpitations and inner turmoil. The symptoms always came out of nowhere and no one could help me until now. After our very first conversation, I burst into tears afterwards. It was incredible how you guided me to the cause. It triggered such beautiful feelings in me! I felt liberated afterwards. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Chiara P. Vehicle interior decorator/saddler

Dear Sandra, I wanted to thank you again for the Reiki! It was such a great experience! I arrived at your place and I immediately felt comfortable at the same moment. Because of your sympathetic and friendly manner. In your eyes you could see how much you burn for it. With you, you could be free. During the session I could immediately let go and switch off. I immediately noticed how I could let go of negativity. I could immediately accept and reflect on the results of your energy work and I became aware of many things. I was able to immediately implement the solutions to my complaints. The beautiful protocol, which you still get, helps you immensely. I am curious where my spiritual path will lead me! Thank you very much.

Anna S.

I have already had two Reiki sessions with Sandra for different ailments each time. I felt very comfortable from the beginning. Sandra creates a very pleasant atmosphere even in distance learning. My complaints from the first session were gone immediately afterwards! Together we got to the cause very quickly. Sandra was able to sense things that no one knew, that even I had not thought of. I would never have thought that my complaints were related to this. Therefore I am very grateful and happy to have chosen Reiki. Sandra herself I find to be a very pleasant sympathetic person. In my eyes she works very professionally, friendly and extremely competent. I will definitely come back to her whenever there is a need and can recommend her to everyone without reservation!

Sandra Hohn
Reiki & Meditation


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